
Hello and welcome to my blog.


Basic Hard- and Software

  • Born 1975 in Augsburg
  • Father of two sons
  • Windows 10 - i7 intel core old (maybe 2010)
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB


  • 2010! Kaggle with lots of big pauses https://www.kaggle.com/vielauge
  • 2011 Github but hardly no commitments until 2022.11
  • 2021 Paperspace
  • 2022.09.28 second twitter account for data science @Vielaugen
  • 2022.11 Visual studio code - App to easy python on Windows
  • 2022.11.08 Git hub blog with jekyl
  • 2022.11.18 Own Ubuntu (under Windows10) with Jupyter and linked with Git repo
  • 2022.11.21 Joined mastodon @vielaugen@sigmoid.social

Goals 2023

  • Kaggle expert
  • Finish Practical Deep Learning for Coders part 1 - FastAI



  • 2023.01.05 Credit card for successful paperspace billing
  • 2022.12.13 - A lot of trouble with paperspace billing, paperspace setup etc. Paddy Kaggle competition started on paperspace. Succesfull git add, commit, push, pull- ssh keys to paperspace added
  • 2022.11.23 - vim tutorial (see live coding part 5 or vimtutor in linux or https://vim-adventures.com)
  • 2022.11.23 - Paperspace setup (not from live coding part 3/4!) but https://forums.fast.ai/t/live-coding-aka-walk-thrus/96617/118 pinned
  • 2022.11.22 - Python for data analysis - Wes McKinney (chapter 5)
  • 2022.11.18 - Jeremy live coding part 2 (-> to setup own ubuntu with Jupyter and git)
  • 2022.11.15 - Jeremy live coding part 1
  • 2022.11 The python coding book from Stephen Gruppetta https://thepythoncodingbook.com/book-outline/ -own visual studio code
  • 2022 Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 Part 1 to 5 (some efforts not sure if worth to be linked)


Implementation necessary?

  • connect VScode to paperspace? (see Live coding forum part 5, Nick Jun 4)
  • GitHub - fastai/dotfiles

Learn (watch and do)

  • Python for data analysis - Wes McKinney (chapter 6)
  • Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 - Part 6 Random forest
  • Jeremy live coding part 6
  • Meta Learning - Radek Osmulski Buy?
  • Automate the boring stuff with python programming -Al Sweigart https://automatetheboringstuff.com (chapter 6..)


  • LUX AI Season 2 - I guess far too complicated fpr my python skills, but very interesting


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